Resurrection Weekend

Join us as we remember and proclaim what our Savior, Jesus Christ, has done for us!

Good Friday

We invite you to join us as Quail's Worship Arts Ministry - featuring the Choir, Orchestra, and Band - leads us in remembering the loving sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. With a theme of Changed by the Savior, this worshipful evening will look at the impact that Jesus made on the lives of several biblical persons, and the impact He is still making on lives today.

Childcare will be provided for infant - kindergarten (limited space).

ASL interpreters will be provided, as well.

This event will be live-streamed in its entirety on our YouTube channel.


Friday, April 18, 2025


7:00 pm (doors will open at 6:30pm)


QLBC Sanctuary

Resurrection Sunday

Come celebrate and proclaim our Savior's victory over death with us on Sunday, April 20, 2025! Our two services will be identical (ASL interpretation will be at 10:45 am only).

Service times: 9:00 am and 10:45 am

Children's Info:

We will have programs for kids infant through 5th grade during both services.

Check-In Locations:

  • Infant - Kindergarten -- first floor of the E Building
  • Grades 1 - 5 -- The Treehouse, E-307 (3rd floor of the E Building)

We ask that ALL kids be checked in and picked up by an adult.

Youth Info:

Our Middle School (grades 6-8) and High School (grades 9-12) groups will meet at their regular time: 9:00 am


  • Middle School -- Room E-308 (3rd floor of the E Building)
  • High School -- Room E-306 (3rd floor of the E Building)

We encourage Middle and High School students to attend the 10:45 am service with their families.

Adult Class Info:

Adult classes may or may not meet - it is at the discretion of individual classes. Please see your class leaders for information.