Receive Lay Counseling

Quail Lay Counseling has a track record of bringing help, hope, and healing to hundreds.

Established over 20 years ago, Quail Lay Counseling has a track record of bringing help, hope and healing to hundreds of individuals and marriages. We believe that in an accepting atmosphere, people can gain insights and sort out their needs. This is accomplished through confidential sessions with a lay counselor(s) who will listen deeply, ask key questions, help you set goals, and guide your discovery process toward healing and growth. Our lay counselors are trained non-professionals and we make referrals to professional counselors as needed. We generally offer between 6-10 weekly sessions Monday-Friday (some evening appointments available). All sessions are held at the church office.

Please fill out our questionnaire below to request Lay Counseling services.

The questionnaire is necessary to correctly assess your current needs. Your profile will remain confidential.

We look forward to meeting with you and will contact you for an appointment.

Please note that Quail Lakes Baptist Church is a scent-free zone. Please refrain from wearing fragrances. Thank you!