Getting Married at Quail

Looking to get married at Quail? Find out how here.

A wedding is a sacred ceremony marking the beginning of a brand new journey as husband and wife. Genesis lays out God’s plan for marriage, right at the beginning, for Adam and Eve: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). In our culture, a lot of attention gets placed on weddings and receptions. We have reality shows focused on how to plan a fantastic wedding. All kinds of resources are available online for making wedding plans.

We place the emphasis on planning, and preparing for, a meaningful and memorable wedding. Of greater concern, though, is preparing for a marriage relationship honoring to God and success through the seasons of life together. At Quail, we require premarital counseling with a mentoring couple making use of the Prepare-Enrich Inventory.

If you would like to talk about having a wedding at Quail, first read over the document below which provides information, requirements, and guidelines. After doing so, please fill out the contact form if you would like to receive a phone call to discuss your wedding.

Wedding Information Packet

Download our information packet which provides information about getting married at Quail, an overview of our requirements guidelines, and next steps.

Want more information about getting married at Quail?